Articles | Volume 11, issue 23
Research article
05 Dec 2011
Research article |  | 05 Dec 2011

On the corrosion and soiling effects on materials by air pollution in Athens, Greece

C. Tzanis, C. Varotsos, J. Christodoulakis, J. Tidblad, M. Ferm, A. Ionescu, R.-A. Lefevre, K. Theodorakopoulou, and K. Kreislova

Abstract. In the frame of the European project, entitled MULTI-ASSESS, specimens of structural metals, glass, stone and concrete materials were exposed to air pollution at a station, which was installed for this purpose on a building, located in the centre of Athens. The main purpose of this project was to determine the corrosion and soiling effects of air pollution on materials. A set of the specimens was exposed in a position that was sheltered from rain and partly from wind, and another set was exposed in unsheltered positions on the roof of the above said building. In addition, other specimens were exposed at different heights on the same building, in order to investigate for the first time the corrosion and soiling effects on various materials as a function of height. For the determination of these effects, chemical analysis of the specimens was performed and basic parameters as the weight change, the layer thickness and the optical properties were calculated. Finally, the results obtained are discussed and their plausible interpretation is attempted.

Final-revised paper