14 Feb 2008
 | 14 Feb 2008
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP. A revision for further review has not been submitted.

Total column ozone variations over oceanic region around Indian sub-continent during pre-monsoon of 2006

M. C. R. Kalapureddy, P. Ernest Raj, and P. C. S. Devara

Abstract. Special campaign mode ship-based sun photometric observations of total column ozone over the oceanic regions around the Indian sub-continent (56° E–6° E, 4° N–° N) during the pre-monsoon period (18 March–11 May) of 2006 have been used to investigate the spatial and temporal distributions. The overall mean ozone content over the sea region during this period is 298 DU with a variability of ±10 DU. There is a well defined diurnal (daytime) variation in total column ozone with maximum content around the noon-time hours. The amplitude of diurnal variation is higher over the Arabian Sea compared to that over Bay of Bengal. Spatial distribution of total ozone shows higher values over the Head Bay (North Bay of Bengal) and all along the west coast of India strongly pointing to continental origin of possible anthropogenic source. This is further corroborated from the spatial distribution of simultaneously measured aerosol optical thickness (AOT, at 1020 nm) and precipitable water. The overall mean AOT over the oceanic region is 0.09 and mean precipitable water (water vapor) over Indian Ocean region was 3.25 cm which is almost 1 cm higher than that observed over Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea during the above pre-monsoon period.

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M. C. R. Kalapureddy, P. Ernest Raj, and P. C. S. Devara
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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M. C. R. Kalapureddy, P. Ernest Raj, and P. C. S. Devara
M. C. R. Kalapureddy, P. Ernest Raj, and P. C. S. Devara


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