24 May 2007
 | 24 May 2007
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP. A revision for further review has not been submitted.

Mesospheric turbulence during PMWE-conducive conditions

C. M. Hall, A. H. Manson, C. E. Meek, and S. Nozawa

Abstract. Strong radar returns at VHF known as Polar Mesospheric Winter Echoes (PMWE) seem to occur during periods of intense ionisation of the mesosphere. Apart from a mechanism to produce such ionisation, viz. solar proton precipitation, other prerequisites have been proposed, such as neutral air turbulence. Here, we employ a medium frequency radar to examine whether the atmospheric state is conducive to the appearance of PMWE; echo power signatures (isolated lower mesospheric echoes – "ILME") are indicators of the necessary ionisation at sufficient depth in the middle atmosphere, and also echo fading times give information on turbulence. We fail to find evidence for causal relationship between ILME and turbulence but suggest that on occasion turbulence may be enhanced related to proton precipitation. The results presented provide a basis for investigating whether turbulence is a prerequisite for PMWE.

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C. M. Hall, A. H. Manson, C. E. Meek, and S. Nozawa
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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C. M. Hall, A. H. Manson, C. E. Meek, and S. Nozawa
C. M. Hall, A. H. Manson, C. E. Meek, and S. Nozawa


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