04 May 2005
 | 04 May 2005
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP. A revision for further review has not been submitted.

Characterization of air ions in boreal forest air during BIOFOR III campaign

U. Hõrrak, P. P. Aalto, J. Salm, J. M. Mäkelä, L. Laakso, L. Laakso, and M. Kulmala

Abstract. The behavior of the concentration of positive small (or cluster) air ions and naturally charged nanometer aerosol particles (aerosol ions) has been studied on the basis of measurements carried out in a boreal forest at the Hyytiälä SMEAR station, Finland, during the BIOFOR III campaign in spring 1999. Statistical characteristics of the concentrations of cluster ions, two classes of aerosol ions of the sizes of 2.5–8 nm and 8–ca 20 nm and the quantities that determine the balance of small ions in the atmosphere have been given for the nucleation event days and non-event days. The dependence of small ion concentration on the ion loss (sink) due to aerosol particles was investigated applying a model of bipolar diffusion charging of particles by small ions. The small ion concentration and the ion sink were closely correlated (correlation coefficient 87%) when the fog events and the hours of high relative humidity (above 97%), as well as nocturnal calms and weak wind (wind speed<0.6 m s-1 had been excluded. In the case of nucleation burst events, variations in the concentration of small positive ions were in accordance with the changes caused by the ion sink due to aerosols; no clear indication of positive ion depletion by ion-induced nucleation was found. The estimated average ionization rate of air at the Hyytiälä station in early spring, when the ground was partly covered with snow, was about 4.8 ion pairs cm-3 s-1. The study of the charging state of nanometer aerosol particles (2.5–8 nm) revealed a strong correlation (correlation coefficient 88%) between the concentrations of particles and their charged fraction (positive air ions) during nucleation bursts. The estimated charged fraction of particles, which varied from 3% to 6% considering various nucleation event days, confirms that these particles are almost quasi-steady state charged. Also the particles and air ions in the size range of 8–ca 20 nm showed a good qualitative consistency; the correlation coefficient was 92%.

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U. Hõrrak, P. P. Aalto, J. Salm, J. M. Mäkelä, L. Laakso, L. Laakso, and M. Kulmala
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed (peer review stopped)
Status: closed (peer review stopped)
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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U. Hõrrak, P. P. Aalto, J. Salm, J. M. Mäkelä, L. Laakso, L. Laakso, and M. Kulmala
U. Hõrrak, P. P. Aalto, J. Salm, J. M. Mäkelä, L. Laakso, L. Laakso, and M. Kulmala


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