17 May 2022
 | 17 May 2022
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

Seasonal characteristics of atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) in a coastal city of southeast China: Formation mechanism and photochemical effects

Taotao Liu, Yiling Lin, Jinsheng Chen, Gaojie Chen, Chen Yang, Lingling Xu, Mengren Li, Xiaolong Fan, Yanting Chen, Liqian Yin, Yuping Chen, Xiaoting Ji, Ziyi Lin, Fuwang Zhang, Hong Wang, and Youwei Hong

Abstract. Formaldehyde (HCHO) is a vital reactive carbonyl compound, which plays a critical role in the atmospheric oxidation capacity (AOC), radical chemistry, and O3 formation. Yet, the majority of the current studies on HCHO photochemical mechanism in coastal areas remain scarce, thus limiting the full understanding of potential atmospheric impacts with limited influence from marine sources. Here, field campaigns were conducted at a typical urban site in southeast China to reveal the characteristics and potential source of ambient HCHO, as well as its impact on photochemistry, during spring and autumn of 2021. The result showed that the HCHO mixing ratios were 2.94±1.28 ppbv and 3.19±1.41 ppbv in spring and autumn, respectively. Secondary formation made the largest contributions to HCHO (49 % in spring and 46 % in autumn), followed by vehicle exhaust (25 % and 20 %) and biogenic emission (18 % and 24 %) in this study. Furthermore, in order to identity the impact of HCHO on photochemistry process, the formation pathways and key precursors (alkenes and aromatics) of secondary HCHO were furtherly investigated based on Observation-Based Model (OBM). The net HCHO production rate in autumn (−0.40±0.70 ppbv h−1) was lower than that in spring (0.10±0.37 ppbv h−1), due to the increase in HCHO loss rate under the intense solar radiation and relatively low precursor levels to limited HCHO secondary formation. Disabling HCHO mechanism decreased the abundance of OH (25 % in spring and 16 % in autumn), HO2 (45 %, 40 %), and RO2 (26 %, 19 %). Meanwhile, the net O3 production rates dropped by 32 % in spring and 29 % in autumn, which were mainly dominated by the reduction of radical propagation efficiencies. The analysis of HCHO potential sources, formation pathways, and impacts on O3 formation provided significant insights into photochemical mechanisms and pollution control in coastal areas.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Taotao Liu, Yiling Lin, Jinsheng Chen, Gaojie Chen, Chen Yang, Lingling Xu, Mengren Li, Xiaolong Fan, Yanting Chen, Liqian Yin, Yuping Chen, Xiaoting Ji, Ziyi Lin, Fuwang Zhang, Hong Wang, and Youwei Hong

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on acp-2022-292', Chunxiang Ye, 06 Jun 2022
  • RC2: 'Comment on acp-2022-292', Anonymous Referee #2, 07 Jun 2022

Status: closed

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on acp-2022-292', Chunxiang Ye, 06 Jun 2022
  • RC2: 'Comment on acp-2022-292', Anonymous Referee #2, 07 Jun 2022
Taotao Liu, Yiling Lin, Jinsheng Chen, Gaojie Chen, Chen Yang, Lingling Xu, Mengren Li, Xiaolong Fan, Yanting Chen, Liqian Yin, Yuping Chen, Xiaoting Ji, Ziyi Lin, Fuwang Zhang, Hong Wang, and Youwei Hong
Taotao Liu, Yiling Lin, Jinsheng Chen, Gaojie Chen, Chen Yang, Lingling Xu, Mengren Li, Xiaolong Fan, Yanting Chen, Liqian Yin, Yuping Chen, Xiaoting Ji, Ziyi Lin, Fuwang Zhang, Hong Wang, and Youwei Hong


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Short summary
Field observations and models analysis were carried out in a coastal city to study HCHO formation mechanism and its impacts on photochemistry. HCHO contributed to atmospheric oxidation by around 10 %, reflecting its significance in photochemistry. Disabling HCHO mechanism made net O3 production rates decrease by 31 %, which were dominated by the reductions of pathways relating to radical reactions, indicating the HCHO affected O3 mainly by controlling the efficiencies of radical propagation.