18 Dec 2019
 | 18 Dec 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

Statistical characteristics of raindrop size distribution over Western Ghats of India: wet versus dry spells of Indian Summer Monsoon

Uriya Veerendra Murali Krishna, Subrata Kumar Das, Ezhilarasi Govindaraj Sulochana, Bhowmik Utsav, Sachin Madhukar Deshpande, and Govindan Pandithurai

Abstract. The nature of raindrop size distribution (DSD) is analyzed during wet and dry spells of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) over Western Ghats (WGs) using Joss-Waldvogel Disdrometer (JWD) measurements. The observed DSDs are fitted with gamma distribution, and the characteristic DSDs are studied during the summer monsoon seasons (June–September) of 2012–2015. The DSD spectra show distinct diurnal variation during wet and dry spells. The dry spells exhibit a strong diurnal cycle with two peaks, while the diurnal cycle is not prominent in the wet spells. The observational results reveal the microphysical characteristics of warm rain during both the wet and dry spells. Even though the warm rain processes are dominant over WGs during monsoon, the underlying dynamical processes cause the differences in DSD characteristics during wet and dry spells. In addition, the differences in DSD spectra with different rain rates are also observed during the wet and dry spells. The DSD spectra are further analyzed by separating into stratiform and convective types. Finally, an empirical relation between slope parameter, Λ and shape parameter, μ is derived by best fitting the quadratic polynomial for the observed data during both wet and dry spells as well as for the stratiform and convective types of precipitation. The Λμ relations obtained in the present study are slightly different in comparison with the earlier studies.

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Uriya Veerendra Murali Krishna, Subrata Kumar Das, Ezhilarasi Govindaraj Sulochana, Bhowmik Utsav, Sachin Madhukar Deshpande, and Govindan Pandithurai
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Uriya Veerendra Murali Krishna, Subrata Kumar Das, Ezhilarasi Govindaraj Sulochana, Bhowmik Utsav, Sachin Madhukar Deshpande, and Govindan Pandithurai
Uriya Veerendra Murali Krishna, Subrata Kumar Das, Ezhilarasi Govindaraj Sulochana, Bhowmik Utsav, Sachin Madhukar Deshpande, and Govindan Pandithurai


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