24 May 2019
 | 24 May 2019
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

Sensitivity of CHIMERE to changes in model resolution and chemistry over the northwestern Iberian Peninsula

Swen Brands, Guillermo Fernández-García, Marcos Tesouro Montecelo, Nuria Gallego Fernández, Anthony David Saunders Estévez, Pablo Enrique Carracedo García, Anabela Neto Venancio, Pedro Melo da Costa, Paula Costa Tomé, Christina Otero, María Luz Macho, and Juan Taboada

Abstract. Here, the capability of the chemical weather forecasting model CHIMERE (version 2017r4) to reproduce summertime surface ozone, particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide concentrations in complex terrain is investigated. The study area is the northwestern Iberian Peninsula, where both coastal and mountain climates can be found in direct vicinity and a large fraction of the land area is covered by forests. Fed by lateral boundary conditions from the ECMWF Composition Integrated Forecast System, meteorological data from the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF) and the HTAP v2.2 emission inventory, CHIMERE's performance compared to observations is tested with a range of sensitivity experiments, exploring the role of horizontal and vertical resolution and the effects of applying distinct chemistry mechanisms. Using a high horizontal and vertical resolution yields the most balanced verification results. If both the daily maximum and minimum values are important for the given application, then the full Melchior mechanism should be used. If, however, the daily maxima are considered more important than the minima, SAPRC should be used instead. In any case, model performance for nitrogen dioxide is clearly not satisfactory for our study region, probably indicating deficiencies in the emission inventory.

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Swen Brands, Guillermo Fernández-García, Marcos Tesouro Montecelo, Nuria Gallego Fernández, Anthony David Saunders Estévez, Pablo Enrique Carracedo García, Anabela Neto Venancio, Pedro Melo da Costa, Paula Costa Tomé, Christina Otero, María Luz Macho, and Juan Taboada
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Swen Brands, Guillermo Fernández-García, Marcos Tesouro Montecelo, Nuria Gallego Fernández, Anthony David Saunders Estévez, Pablo Enrique Carracedo García, Anabela Neto Venancio, Pedro Melo da Costa, Paula Costa Tomé, Christina Otero, María Luz Macho, and Juan Taboada
Swen Brands, Guillermo Fernández-García, Marcos Tesouro Montecelo, Nuria Gallego Fernández, Anthony David Saunders Estévez, Pablo Enrique Carracedo García, Anabela Neto Venancio, Pedro Melo da Costa, Paula Costa Tomé, Christina Otero, María Luz Macho, and Juan Taboada


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Short summary
The capability of numerical models used to predict air quality depends on many factors. Here, the role of model resolution and model chemistry is assessed for the CHIMERE model and the northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Forecasts are improved particularly by increasing the vertical resolution in the lower and middle troposphere. This finding might help to achieve better forecasts in other regions as well.