13 Jan 2020
 | 13 Jan 2020
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

Year-round record of near-surface ozone and O3 enhancement events (OEEs) at Dome A, East Antarctica

Minghu Ding, Biao Tian, Michael Ashley, Zhenxi Zhu, Lifan Wang, Shihai Yang, Chuanjin Li, Cunde Xiao, and Dahe Qin

Abstract. To evaluate the characteristics of near-surface O3 over Dome A (Kunlun Station), which is located at the summit of the east Antarctic Ice Sheet, continuous observations were carried out in 2016. Together with observations from the Amundsen–Scott Station (South Pole) and Zhongshan Station, the seasonal and diurnal O3 variabilities were investigated. The results showed different patterns between coastal and inland Antarctic areas that were characterized by high concentrations in cold seasons and at night. The annual mean values at the three stations were 29.19 ± 7.52 ppb, 29.94 ± 4.97 ppb and 24.06 ± 5.79 ppb. Then, specific atmospheric processes, including synoptic-scale air mass transport, were analysed by Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) back-trajectory analysis and the potential source contribution function (PSCF) model. Long-range transport was found to account for the O3 enhancement events (OEEs) during summer at Dome A, rather than efficient local production (consistent with previous studies in inland Antarctica). In addition, we observed OEEs during the polar night in the Dome A region, which was not previously found in Antarctica. To explain this unique finding, the occurrence of stratospheric intrusion (stratosphere-to-troposphere, STT) events was studied with the Stratosphere-to-Troposphere Exchange Flux (STEFLUX) tool. This finding suggested that STT events occurred frequently over Dome A and could account for 55 % of the total polar night period. The occurrence probability of OEEs agreed well with STT events, indicating that the STT process was the dominant factor affecting the near-surface O3 over Dome A in the absence of photochemical reaction sources during polar night. This work provides unique information on ozone variation at Dome A and expands our knowledge regarding such events in Antarctica.

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Minghu Ding, Biao Tian, Michael Ashley, Zhenxi Zhu, Lifan Wang, Shihai Yang, Chuanjin Li, Cunde Xiao, and Dahe Qin
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Minghu Ding, Biao Tian, Michael Ashley, Zhenxi Zhu, Lifan Wang, Shihai Yang, Chuanjin Li, Cunde Xiao, and Dahe Qin
Minghu Ding, Biao Tian, Michael Ashley, Zhenxi Zhu, Lifan Wang, Shihai Yang, Chuanjin Li, Cunde Xiao, and Dahe Qin


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Short summary
In 2016, the first observation of near-surface ozone was made at Dome A, the inaccessible pole. And based on the ERA-interim meteorological reanalysis data, we clearly found that there was strong transportation from stratosphere to troposphere during polar night at Dome A. This work provides unique information of ozone variation in Dome A and expands our knowledge in Antarctica.