19 Jun 2017
 | 19 Jun 2017
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

Influence of common assumptions regarding aerosol composition and mixing state on predicted CCN concentration

Manasi Mahish, Anne Jefferson, and Don Collins

Abstract. A 4-year record of aerosol size and hygroscopic growth factor distributions measured at the Department of Energy’s SGP ARM site in Oklahoma, U.S. were used to estimate supersaturation (S)-dependent cloud condensation nuclei concentrations (NCCN). Baseline or reference NCCN(S) spectra were estimated by using the data to create a matrix of size- and hygroscopicity-dependent number concentration (N) and then integrating for S > critical supersaturation (Sc) calculated for the same size and hygroscopicity pairs using κ-Köhler Theory. The accuracy of those estimates was assessed through comparison with the directly measured NCCN at the same site. Subsequently, NCCN was calculated using the same dataset but with an array of simplified treatments in which the aerosol was assumed to be either an internal or an external mixture and the hygroscopicity either assumed or based on averages derived from the growth factor distributions. The CCN spectra calculated using the simplified treatments were compared with those from the baseline approach to evaluate the impact of commonly used approximations. Among the simplified approaches, assuming the aerosol is an internal mixture with size-dependent hygroscopicity parameter (κ) resulted in estimates closest to those from the baseline approach over the range in S considered.

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Manasi Mahish, Anne Jefferson, and Don Collins

Interactive discussion

Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Manasi Mahish, Anne Jefferson, and Don Collins
Manasi Mahish, Anne Jefferson, and Don Collins


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