08 Sep 2014
 | 08 Sep 2014
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

Analysis of the atmospheric composition during the summer 2013 over the Mediterranean area using the CHARMEX measurements and the CHIMERE model

L. Menut, S. Mailler, G. Siour, B. Bessagnet, S. Turquety, G. Rea, R. Briant, M. Mallet, J. Sciare, and P. Formenti

Abstract. The ADRIMED campaign provides measurements of all key parameters regarding atmospheric composition in the Mediterranean area during the summer 2013. This is an opportunity to quantify the ability of current models to adequately represent the atmospheric composition in this complex region, which is influenced by anthropogenic emissions from Europe, Africa, the Middle-East and from shipping activities as well as mineral dust emissions mostly from the arid areas in Africa, sea-salt emissions, biomass burning emissions and biogenic emissions from the vegetation. The CHIMERE model in its present version is a chemistry-transport model which takes into account all these processes. We show here by simulating the period from 5 June to 15 July 2013 with the CHIMERE model and comparing the results to both routine and specific ADRIMED measurements that this model allows an adequate representation the atmospheric composition over the western Mediterranean, in terms of ozone concentration, particulate matter (PM) and aerosol optical depth (AOD). It is also shown that the concentrations of PM on all the considered area is dominated by mineral dust, even though local dust emissions in Europe are certainly overestimated by the model. A comparison with sulphate concentrations at Cape Corsica exhibits some discrepancies related to the regridding of shipping emissions.

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L. Menut, S. Mailler, G. Siour, B. Bessagnet, S. Turquety, G. Rea, R. Briant, M. Mallet, J. Sciare, and P. Formenti
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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L. Menut, S. Mailler, G. Siour, B. Bessagnet, S. Turquety, G. Rea, R. Briant, M. Mallet, J. Sciare, and P. Formenti
L. Menut, S. Mailler, G. Siour, B. Bessagnet, S. Turquety, G. Rea, R. Briant, M. Mallet, J. Sciare, and P. Formenti


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