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Anthropogenic, biomass burning, and volcanic emissions of black carbon, organic carbon, and SO2 from 1980 to 2010 for hindcast model experiments
Abstract. Two historical emission inventories of black carbon (BC), primary organic carbon (OC), and SO2 emissions from land-based anthropogenic sources, ocean-going vessels, air traffic, biomass burning, and volcanoes are presented and discussed for the period 1980–2010. These gridded inventories are provided to the internationally coordinated AeroCom Phase II multi-model hindcast experiments. The horizontal resolution is 0.5°×0.5° and 1.0°×1.0°, while the temporal resolution varies from daily for volcanoes to monthly for biomass burning and aircraft emissions, and annual averages for land-based and ship emissions. One inventory is based on inter-annually varying activity rates of land-based anthropogenic emissions and shows strong variability within a decade, while the other one is derived from interpolation between decadal endpoints and thus exhibits linear trends within a decade. Both datasets capture the major trends of decreasing anthropogenic emissions over the USA and Western Europe since 1980, a sharp decrease around 1990 over Eastern Europe and the former USSR, and a steep increase after 2000 over East and South Asia. The inventory differences for the combined anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions in the year 2005 are 34% for BC, 46% for OC, and 13% for SO2. They vary strongly depending on species, year and region, from about 10% to 40% in most cases, but in some cases the inventories differ by 100% or more. Differences in emissions from wild-land fires are caused only by different choices of the emission factors for years after 1996 which vary by a factor of about 1 to 2 for OC depending on region, and by a combination of emission factors and the amount of dry mass burned for years up to 1996. Volcanic SO2 emissions, which are only provided in one inventory, include emissions from explosive, effusive, and quiescent degassing events for 1167 volcanoes.
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RC C8513: 'Paper Review', Anonymous Referee #1, 24 Oct 2012
AC C13766: 'Response to Referee 1', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013
AC C13766: 'Response to Referee 1', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013
RC C9348: 'Review', Anonymous Referee #2, 15 Nov 2012
AC C13773: 'Response to Referee 2', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013
AC C13773: 'Response to Referee 2', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013

RC C8513: 'Paper Review', Anonymous Referee #1, 24 Oct 2012
AC C13766: 'Response to Referee 1', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013
AC C13766: 'Response to Referee 1', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013
RC C9348: 'Review', Anonymous Referee #2, 15 Nov 2012
AC C13773: 'Response to Referee 2', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013
AC C13773: 'Response to Referee 2', Thomas Diehl, 15 Apr 2013
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133 citations as recorded by crossref.
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