21 Feb 2012
 | 21 Feb 2012
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal ACP but the revision was not accepted.

Aerosol-precipitation interactions in the southern Appalachian Mountains

G. M. Kelly, B. F. Taubman, L. B. Perry, J. P. Sherman, P. T. Soulé, and P. J. Sheridan

Abstract. There are many uncertainties associated with aerosol-precipitation interactions, particularly in mountain regions where a variety of processes at different spatial scales influence precipitation patterns. Aerosol-precipitation linkages were examined in the southern Appalachian Mountains, guided by the following research questions: (1) how do aerosol properties observed during precipitation events vary by season (e.g., summer vs. winter) and synoptic event type (e.g., frontal vs. non-frontal); and (2) what influence does air mass source region have on aerosol properties? Precipitation events were identified based on regional precipitation data and classified using a synoptic classification scheme developed for this study. Hourly aerosol data were collected at the Appalachian Atmospheric Interdisciplinary Research (AppalAIR) facility at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC (1110 m a.s.l., 36.215°, −81.680°). Backward air trajectories provided information on upstream atmospheric characteristics and source regions. During the warm season (June to September), greater aerosol loading dominated by larger particles was observed, while cool season (November to April) precipitation events exhibited overall lower aerosol loading with an apparent influence from biomass burning particles. Aerosol-induced precipitation enhancement may have been detected in each season, particularly during warm season non-frontal precipitation.

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G. M. Kelly, B. F. Taubman, L. B. Perry, J. P. Sherman, P. T. Soulé, and P. J. Sheridan
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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G. M. Kelly, B. F. Taubman, L. B. Perry, J. P. Sherman, P. T. Soulé, and P. J. Sheridan
G. M. Kelly, B. F. Taubman, L. B. Perry, J. P. Sherman, P. T. Soulé, and P. J. Sheridan


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