Articles | Volume 7, issue 15
07 Aug 2007
 | 07 Aug 2007

3-D polarised simulations of space-borne passive mm/sub-mm midlatitude cirrus observations: a case study

C. P. Davis, K. F. Evans, S. A. Buehler, D. L. Wu, and H. C. Pumphrey

Abstract. Global observations of ice clouds are needed to improve our understanding of their impact on earth's radiation balance and the water-cycle. Passive mm/sub-mm has some advantages compared to other space-borne cloud-ice remote sensing techniques. The physics of scattering makes forward radiative transfer modelling for such instruments challenging. This paper demonstrates the ability of a recently developed RT code, ARTS-MC, to accurately simulate observations of this type for a variety of viewing geometries corresponding to operational (AMSU-B, EOS-MLS) and proposed (CIWSIR) instruments. ARTS-MC employs an adjoint Monte-Carlo method, makes proper account of polarisation, and uses 3-D spherical geometry. The actual field of view characteristics for each instrument are also accounted for. A 3-D midlatitude cirrus scenario is used, which is derived from Chilbolton cloud radar data and a stochastic method for generating 3-D ice water content fields. These demonstration simulations clearly demonstrate the beamfilling effect, significant polarisation effects for non-spherical particles, and also a beamfilling effect with regard to polarisation.

Final-revised paper