Articles | Volume 7, issue 5
28 Feb 2007
 | 28 Feb 2007

MIPAS Level 1B algorithms overview: operational processing and characterization

A. Kleinert, G. Aubertin, G. Perron, M. Birk, G. Wagner, F. Hase, H. Nett, and R. Poulin

Abstract. This paper gives an overview of the MIPAS Level 1B (L1B) processor whose main objective is to calibrate atmospheric measurements radiometrically, spectrally and geo-located. It presents also the results of instrument characterization done on ground and during the first years in-flight. An accurate calibration is mandatory for high quality atmospheric retrievals. MIPAS has shown very good performance and stability. The noise equivalent spectral radiance ranges from 3 to 50 nW/(cm2 sr cm−1) and is well within the requirements over nearly the whole spetral range. The systematic radiometric error is estimated to be within 1 or 2% in most situations.

Final-revised paper