Articles | Volume 18, issue 1
Research article
04 Jan 2018
Research article |  | 04 Jan 2018

Thirteen years of observations on primary sugars and sugar alcohols over remote Chichijima Island in the western North Pacific

Santosh Kumar Verma, Kimitaka Kawamura, Jing Chen, and Pingqing Fu

Abstract. In order to understand the atmospheric transport of bioaerosols, we conducted long-term observations of primary sugars and sugar alcohols over remote Chichijima Island in the western North Pacific from 2001 to 2013. Our results showed that concentrations of total sugar compounds for 13 years ranged from 1.2 to 310 ng m−3 (average of 46 ± 49 ng m−3). We found that atmospheric circulations significantly affect the seasonal variations of bioaerosol distributions over the western North Pacific. The primary sugars (glucose and fructose) maximized in summer, possibly due to an increased emission of the vegetation products from local vascular plants in Chichijima. We also found higher concentrations of sugar components (arabitol, mannitol, and trehalose) in more recent years during summer and autumn, suggesting an enhanced emission of fungal and microbial species over the island. Sucrose peaked in late winter to early spring, indicating a springtime pollen contribution by long-range atmospheric transport, while elevated concentrations of sucrose in early summer could be explained by long-range transport of soil dust from Southeast Asia to Chichijima. Sucrose and trehalose were found to present increasing trends from 2001 to 2013, while total sugar components did not show any clear trends during the 13-year period. Positive matrix factorization analyses suggested the locally emitted sugar compounds as well as long-range-transported airborne pollen grains, microbes, and fungal spores are the major contributors to total sugar compounds in the Chichijima aerosols. Backward air mass trajectories support the atmospheric transport of continental aerosols from the Asian continent during winter and spring over Chichijima.

Short summary
East Asia has experienced rapid economic development in the last several decades, of which activities emit bioaerosols. The atmospheric particles are transported to downwind regions in the Pacific. To understand the atmospheric transport of bioaerosols, we conducted long-term observations of sugar components over Chichijima Island from 2001 to 2013. We found that atmospheric circulations significantly affect the seasonal variation of bioaerosol distributions over the western North Pacific.
Final-revised paper