Articles | Volume 17, issue 7
Research article
11 Apr 2017
Research article |  | 11 Apr 2017

OMI air-quality monitoring over the Middle East

Michael P. Barkley, Gonzalo González Abad, Thomas P. Kurosu, Robert Spurr, Sara Torbatian, and Christophe Lerot

Abstract. Using Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) trace gas vertical column observations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), formaldehyde (HCHO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and glyoxal (CHOCHO), we have conducted a robust and detailed time series analysis to assess changes in local air quality for over 1000 locations (focussing on urban, oil refinery, oil port, and power plant targets) over the Middle East for 2005–2014. Apart from NO2, which is highest over urban locations, average tropospheric column levels of these trace gases are highest over oil ports and refineries. The highest average pollution levels over urban settlements are typically in Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates.

We detect 278 statistically significant and real linear NO2 trends in total. Over urban areas NO2 increased by up to 12 % yr−1, with only two locations showing a decreasing trend. Over oil refineries, oil ports, and power plants, NO2 increased by about 2–9 % yr−1. For HCHO, 70 significant and real trends were detected, with HCHO increasing by 2–7 % yr−1 over urban settlements and power plants and by about 2–4 % yr−1 over refineries and oil ports. Very few SO2 trends were detected, which varied in direction and magnitude (23 increasing and 9 decreasing). Apart from two locations where CHOCHO is decreasing, we find that glyoxal tropospheric column levels are not changing over the Middle East. Hence, for many locations in the Middle East, OMI observes a degradation in air quality over 2005–2014. This study therefore demonstrates the capability of OMI to generate long-term air-quality monitoring at local scales over this region.

Short summary
Using Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) trace gas vertical column observations of NO2, HCHO, SO2, and CHOCHO, we have conducted a robust and detailed time series analysis to assess changes in local air quality for over 1000 locations (focussing on urban, oil refinery, oil port, and power plant targets) over the Middle East for 2005–2014. We find that for many locations in the Middle East, OMI observes a degradation in air quality during this time period.
Final-revised paper